Optimal Temperatures for Firearms & Ammo
On March 4, 2019 by Holster AuthorityAs any true gun lover can tell you, they will go to any length to protect their most prized possessions. They clean them frequently, especially after a hunting trip or time spent on the shooting range. They look for ways to upgrade it to increase its accuracy, and more. However, if they are honest, one of the biggest challenges of gun ownership and care is finding the optimal temperature for their firearms and ammo.
Environmental Issues and Guns
Humidity and guns or ammo are not a good combination. If a gun is kept in an area that stays moist, it will rust to the point that you may never be able to clean it well enough to ensure accuracy. Bullets are also at risk if you keep them stored in a very humid area for very long. The brass on them will corrode, which will ultimately weaken it. One option that is preferred by avid collectors is to have a gun safe for their ammo and weapons that has a dehumidifier built in. These safes are not always cost-effective, so other people simply cannot afford the luxury. Therefore, they often opt to do the best that they can with what they have.
Improvised Protection
If you have a home that is not overly humid, then your guns and ammo should be safe in any safe that is somewhat airtight. You can keep it in your home and the cost will be very reasonable. The problem with this is that most people want their gun safe to be tucked away, hidden in a closet. Most of the time, those areas are deprived of heat and air conditioning. We usually do not put AC vents in the smallest parts of our home. If this is the way it works in your home and you do live in an area that frequently stays damp, you can still overcome the challenges. One option is to put a Honeywell portable air conditioner in the closet with your safe. These units are small, efficient, and dependable. They can pull a lot of the moisture out of even the dampest home and should work well in yours also. In the winter, if your home feels cold and drafty, you can also put a small heater in the closet. You should make sure that the heater does not touch clothing or anything that may potentially get too hot if you do this and you may also want to leave the closet door open.
Show Your Guns Love
If you don’t want to get an expensive safe, you are still showing your guns love if you put heat and air into that area to keep it dry. You do not need a costly dehumidifier. The best part is, if you do not want to run the air conditioner or heat all the time, you do not have to. You simply do not want to leave your guns sitting in moisture for months at a time.
Casting the Perfect Holster
On January 22, 2019 by Holster AuthorityToday there are more and more people are choosing to get the permits that will allow them to carry a weapon so that they can protect themselves from immediate danger. This is a great thing in many ways. They are brave enough to stand up for themselves, their family, and their neighbors if need be to protect those people from harm. However, with the increased rate of carrying weapons and wanting them to be within easy reach, casting the perfect holster is also becoming very important.
DIY Holsters?
You may feel that you have to buy a holster if you want one that will fit your gun properly. However, the truth is, you do not have to search endlessly for a holster. With a few basic tools and a little material, you can make one that fits your gun, even if you have one that normally would not be holstered. It is easy to do, especially if you use Kydex as the material you use.
Building the Holster
Kydex is affordable and easier to work with than you may expect. You should cut your material large enough that it will wrap around your weapon, whether knife or gun. Some people suggest using two pieces rather than wrap it, but you get to choose which is right for you. Do this before you attempt to trim off excess, or you will risk not having enough material at the end of this process.
Once it is wrapped, you will need to form the material using a press of some type. You can purchase it or make one using wood and foam. You will want to heat up the Kydex before pressing it since it will hold its shape better when hot. You will want your knife or gun left inside as you heat up and stuff. Leave it a little loose to ensure you can get to it with very little effort. A heat gun will be ideal for heating it up. Eyelets will hold everything together. You can trim off excess material outside of the eyelets. After all of this is done, you should use clear casting resin to coat it, which will help it keep its shape and prevent it from cracking.
Use Casting Resin for More
If you want to use your knife or gun holster as an accessory, you can use epoxy to add decoration to the holster. You can use it to ensure that a plastic clip will not break. You can use epoxy resin to repair an old holster that has sentimental value. It is the easiest way to ensure that you have a holster that you will always be proud of. Considering how important self-protection is in today’s world; why not have fun with it?
Tools for Your Gun & Holster
On July 5, 2018 by Holster AuthorityThere are a lot of reasons people carry guns. They use them for hunting and protection. They want them to be useful in the field and at home where they may need to protect their family from harm. There is a steady increase of people carrying concealed weapons in a holster. They do it to be more prepared for anything that could come up in the world that we are now living in. This also means that you do not want to take chances. You want to know that you can go above and beyond in situations where it matters the most. Do you have enough tools for your gun and holster?
Popular Tools for the Holster
Much the same as there are a variety of holsters for you to pick from, there are also a lot of things you can put into them. Many of them are able to hold extra magazines, tools for cleaning, and more. However, if you are in the market for a new holster, you need to make sure that the one you are considering has enough room for the gun and anything else you feel is important to carry along. Each one is going to have a slightly different pocket size. You can have one that fits on your hip if you want it, but you need to make sure that it can hold a few extra bullets. You can choose to have an ankle holster, but it will most likely have a smaller area for you to carry extras in and therefore may not be suitable for all occasions.
Choosing the Right Tools
When it comes to a gun holster tool, multipurpose is the only way to go. However, they should be multi tools that serve multiple purposes. A good gun multi tool that can fit into most holsters will have multi-purpose tools such as screwdrivers and pliers, but also serve other purposes for the type of gun that you want to use and carry with you. They also want to have hex tools, which could be ideal for adjusting laser sights, round headed pins that can be used to clear jams, and much more. There are some of these tools that can clean your AR-15 and help you with handyman projects around the home. They are the tools that provide more, and, in a pinch, you will be happy that you have access to it inside of your holster.
Everything Within Easy Reach
In a world that is kind of crazy at times and our constantly rushing lifestyles, there are many reasons you may want to consider having everything within easy reach. Having the right tools to handle whatever comes up will be very useful. This is why many people have tools that are easy to carry, lightweight, and very flexible. They want tools that can fix their car, help them at their job, and out on the field when they are hunting, fishing, and target practicing. This way, when something comes up, you are going to be able to handle anything that life throws your way. Can you think of anything better than that?
Protecting Family at Home
On June 18, 2018 by Holster Authority There is a lot of talk right now about guns ending up in the hands of children. Accidental shootings, kids taking weapons to school, and just overall violence on the streets or in our neighborhoods. Providing education on gun safety is important to parents, grandparents, caregivers, and children, but often; it isn’t enough. We have to go one step further in protecting family at home and then the ones we love will be more protected outside of the home as well.
Guns in the Wrong Hands
For years, we have talked about keeping guns out of the hands of children to prevent them from accidentally causing injury to themselves or others. Now, though, we also live in a world where guns end up in the wrong hands. When we watch our children or other loved ones walk out of our doors, we have to hope that they return to us without harm. The problem is; we often do not see the trouble before it comes. Children get bullied at school and perhaps act in ways that they do not think about. They see violence on television, video games, the internet, and all around them. In most cases, it is violence that is faked, and they see that same person appearing on another show. In video games, all they have to do is reset it and everything is fine. With guns and real life, there isn’t always a reset button. Therefore, we have to take action to ensure that our children do not have access to guns. This will give them a chance to calm down to protect another person’s child.
Keeping Families Safe
Parents, grandparents, and virtually all others feel the need to keep guns in their home. This is not a misguided desire. We have to protect those we love and there is a time and a place for them. However, we must take care to ensure they are used in the right way. Holsters and keeping guns locked up at home is the best course of action for all parents and caregivers. It is also important to protect your family in the event of a home invasion where your own weapon could be put into the wrong hands.
Other Safety Options
Having a safe in your home does provide you with a perfect place for your weapons. Only you should know where they are located. Therefore, many safes that are available are hidden. You can have gun cabinets behind walls, in nightstand drawers that have a fake bottom, hideaway areas in your couch, coffee table, or under the bed. There are even fake shelving units that have secret compartments. All these things are ideal for keeping your guns and other valuables hidden away, but you can go further. Limit access to the areas where your guns are hidden. Iron baby gates for stairs, locked cabinets or bedroom closets, etc. You should especially be able to lock the room with your safe if you are entertaining guests or have an older child that is curious about your bedroom. It may be somewhat annoying to hide things away, but in the interest of safety, it could be worth it.
Practices to Achieve A Steady Holster Hand
On May 21, 2018 by Holster AuthorityWhen competitive shooting, accuracy is everything. Even a slight movement can throw off your aim and make you miss the target that you are aiming at. Therefore, those who want to aim true every time, do certain things which help them to control all their body’s movements. They strive to perfect certain practices to achieve a steady holster hand, and you can do it as well.
Target Training Practices
One thing that most target experts will tell is vital to a perfect shot is your trigger squeeze. Your squeeze should be slow and steady. The first thing is that you have to focus through the sight and keep your eyes on the target area as you press the trigger. Some recommend that you dry shoot as practice. This means that you practice keeping your sights on the target area without actually firing a bullet. You simply go through the motions. Do your best to keep your eye on the target area through the trigger squeeze. If you are off even a little, you know that your bullet would not have been aimed as true as it should be. The next thing is your stance. Your stance should be comfortable for you and easy for you to hold while you go through the motions of firing your weapon. If your trigger arm is in a certain position when you take aim, you should hold that position until the bullet has struck its target are. Both of these things take concentration, and this is often where you have to practice the most.
Tricks to Improve Steadiness
When trying to aim accurately, even a breath of air could throw you off your mark. Therefore, it is important that you can slow your breathing. You could almost put yourself in a meditative state while you are taking aim and firing. This will allow you to control your body more effectively and your aim will be more accurate than ever before. Some people also say that you could put into motion some yoga techniques like the ones taught at Shri Studio. Yoga is all about holding your positions or stances and may help you to avoid the jerk that comes from pulling the trigger. The two combined could ensure that you are able to go up against the best and hit your same target area multiple times with extreme accuracy.
Practice Makes Perfect
You can target shoot without bullets and visualize where the bullet would have hit. You have to know your weapon and your abilities. Over time, you will know whether your bullet would hit your targeted area without even attempting to sight the target area after pulling the trigger. It becomes second nature and you simply know where you’re at, whether you moved, or if the wind happened to blow a little, which may throw you off. You become in tune with all things. Then you can test your skills by putting a real bullet into your gun. Does it hit where you believed it would hit? If so, then you should be able to hold your own at any competition where accuracy on the range matters. From there, you may only have to work on your speed.